Sunday, April 18, 2010

Who am I and why am I doing this?

The purpose of this blog is to find the answers to those questions. Of course, I know who I am. I think, anyway.

I am, at the very least a novice golfer. That is, a new golfer who sends every damn ball way to the left. Way, way to the left. Not content to handicap me with a simple slice, I also push the ball. It's so bad that the friends from work that were good enough and kind enough to let me play with them when I was first starting out two years ago started to call me "Bear" as I was always playing out of the woods.

Yes, I started two years ago. Sort of. I got some clubs and some lessons and was making progress towards actually playing. That is to say, I was on the cusp of not completely embarrassing myself every time I swung a club. Of course, halfway through that first summer what existed of my golf game deserted me.

Last summer I was destined to not pick up my golf bag for the purpose of playing golf at all. This is because last spring I bought a new house. Instead of working on my swing and practicing putting and chipping and the like I was working on my yard and painting the house.

Thankfully, the list of renovations needed for the house has shrunk to a manageable level and I shall go back to trying not to embarrass myself any more than necessary on the golf course.

I hope to record my progress here. I will also record any lack of progress here as well. I don't know if anyone will read this blog, although I hope they will. This blog is primarily for me, of course. With some luck, and a little hard work, this endeavor will by the end of this golfing season become more than just a handful of cathartic rants. Also, I hope to find some measure of consistency with my golf swing.

I welcome you, dear reader to come along for the ride.

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