Friday, September 17, 2010

Stack and Tilt

The Stack and Tilt Swing: The Definitive Guide to the Swing That Is Remaking Golf
I finally went out and bought The Stack and Tilt Swing by Bennet and Plummer after reading about this new method in Golf Digest and on golf forums around the net. I can't say that I have a lot of experience with different methods as far as the Golf swing goes, but I think there is something to this one. I've just started to work with the stack and tilt swing, and I've got to say that I haven't swung this well since.....well......ever.
The basics of the method are:
  1. Keep your weight on your front foot.
  2. Turn your forward shoulder down on your backswing.
  3. Keep the hands in going back
  4. Let your rear leg straighten naturally, don't try and keep it flexed.
  5. Keep arms straight throughout the swing.
  6. Slide your hips forward during the swing.
On page 29 the authors lay out the basics of the swing to get you going with Stack and Tilt.  I took what I read there and went to the range after work yesterday.  I'm still as inconsistent as ever, but I started making much better contact yesterday with definite improvement over how I've been doing lately.  I'm definitely sold on this method and I'm going to see how my swing develops.

Let's see how this develops.......