Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A word about wedges...

It is worth mentioning, I think, that I've recently changed the wedge options in my bag.  I have gone from having a PW, 56º SW, and a 62º Hi-Lob wedge to the PW, 52º GW, and a 58º SW.

I've hardly ever hit the Hi-Lob well at all, and the gap between the PW at 46º and the 56º is pretty large. Trading the 62º for a 52º and the 56º for a 58º leaves me with two 6º degree gaps in between my wedges.  The sand wedge has enough loft that I can use it for lob shots around the green and with a lower bounce it should be better getting out of the firm sand that is normal for the courses I tend to play.

I hope that these new wedges better complement my developing golf game, and maybe drop at least a couple of shots per round off of my score.